Spring has sprung. I know this because I am suffering from allergies for the first time in my life. I feel very lucky to have never had allergies before because they suck. Bad. Other than that, the sun is shining, there has been a few beautiful days (even though snow is coming this weekend) and I am exploring my summer vacation options. Needless to say, my last month of school is the last thing on my mind, because shopping for spring/summer clothes, planning vacations, and painting my nails is much more fun. Here are a few things I have been distracting myself with today...
do you lilac it is my new favorite nail polish color. OPI, obviously, best colors, best names, best product.
Many of my friends are going to coachella in a few weeks, and even though I'm not attending, I will be waiting for photos, stories, and everything in between when they return. This
see by chloe cross body bag is so cute, and would be one of my must have accessories for the festival.

After seeing my friend Kristen's good finds from LC by Lauren Conrad at Kohl's, I decided to check it out as well. Not only did I copy Kristen's purchase of this tunic, but i also picked up a skirt, and sweater! I do pride myself on being able to find something to buy at every store I go into, but I didn't think I would find pieces this great at Kohl's!
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